
Wednesday, 12 September 2012

The Moroccan Air Force now has 24 F-16 Block-52

The Royal Air Force (FRA) recently received three units of 24 fighter jets F-16 Block-52, manufactured by U.S. manufacturer Lockheed Martin. The three aircraft had left last August, the offices of Lockheed Martin in Texas, destination Benguérir Air Force Base, near Marrakech. With this new batch, Morocco ranks 25th among the countries with the 4,500 F-16 aircraft, which are circulating in the world.

It was August 4, 2011, the Moroccan Air Force received its first batch of 24 F16 Block 52, operated by Morocco in 2008, the American manufacturer Lockheed Martin for $ 2.4 billion .

Before arriving in Morocco the first F-16 Block-52, a group of officers of pilots and mechanics ARF had visited the airbase south carolina United States for an introductory course in use and maintenance of this unit. "The delivery of these aircraft positions Morocco in the very closed group of hosts that operate aircraft multi-role F-16," declared the receipt of the first batch Bengérir, Ralph D. Heath, executive vice president of Lockheed Martin Aeronautics.

Past four years, Morocco has purchased from Lockheed Martin F-16Cs 18 cars and six seater F-16Ds, for a total of 841.9 million dollars. The FRA is also equipped with four transport aircraft Alenia Aeronautica C-27J Spartan and started the modernization of 27 Mirage F1 MF2000 to give them a capacity similar to that of the Mirage 2000-5.

Program of modernization and upgrading of the fleet of the United Air Force seeks to strengthen the defense system and military airpower Royal Air Forces. It was decided in 2007, a year after the conclusion of Algeria a contract with Russia for the supply to his army of sixty Russian fighter Su-30MKA.

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