
Thursday, 10 January 2013

The clusters are strengthened role

The government has announced that it reinforced the tasks assigned to clusters in the "Pact for growth, competitiveness and employment."

On the occasion of the Council of Ministers on Wednesday, January 9, the government announced that it reinforced the tasks assigned to clusters in the "Pact for growth, competitiveness and employment."

Clusters Club World has welcomed this decision and believes it permetra boosting innovation and technology transfer, the transition from idea to market for thousands of projects that must now be transformed into jobs and wealth creation in France, strengthening links between major groups and SMEs / ETI poles through strategic partnerships, procurement policy, taking into account the international dimension of the support growth, even the hyper-growth of our businesses on niches where innovation plays a major role; adjustment of skills and human resources to new business challenges insofar as, paradoxically, the situation of the employment in France, many businesses within clusters are in tension and thousands of jobs are unfilled.

Clusters Club World constantly reminded that strategic projects originate in the vicinity, where trust between actors valley. That is why the presidents of poles rejoice reconciliations proposed by the government with local communities, in particular regions, both within the governance of each pole of the cluster policy only through BPI France which play a major role in business growth.

Finally, the Clusters Club has incorporated the requirements articulation and synergies to put up with all the new tools arising from future investment program (SATT, IRT / IEED, Idex, ...) (*).

(*) SATT: companies accelerating the transfer of technology; IRT / IEED: technological research institutes and institutes of excellence in the field of carbon-free energy; Idex: excellence initiatives (projects of French scientific research to bring out France in five to ten multidisciplinary centers of excellence in higher education and research in the world).

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