
Sunday 18 November 2012

Fighting armed rebels in DR Congo: UN launches airstrike

 The UN mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) conducted an air strike on the rebel group M23 Friday as fighting between rebels and the army have taken so bloody Thursday , according to a local official.

The regional governor, Julien Paluku said that the Congolese army had collapsed Kibumba, in the east, while thousands of Rwandan combatants, supporting the rebels, led an assault early in the morning Saturday.According to him, the mission of the United Nations Organisation (UNO) known as MONUSCO responded to using helicopters to carry out an attack on the rebel M23 Kibumba.

Two army officers and 151 rebels were killed Thursday during heavy fighting in Rugari, 30 km from Goma, the capital of the region. The UN stated that these were the worst violence occurring in the DRC since July.

The situation is tense in the region with the appearance in March-April March-23 Movement (M23), which includes former auxiliaries of the Congolese army in the east and Kinshasa suspected of be supported by Rwanda.

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