
Sunday 18 November 2012

DR Congo: the rebellion of the M23 warns UN attack positions

The Rebellion March 23 Movement (M23) warned on Sunday the UN Mission for Stabilization of Congo (MONUSCO), telling him to stop supporting the army in fighting raging in the east, and threatening retaliation.

We caution that MONUSCO is shelling our area instead of showing its neutrality in the field. She constantly bombard us! Told AFP Lieutenant Colonel Vianney Kazarama, military spokesman of the M23.

If they continue to bombard us, we will respond, he added.

After a relative lull of three months, since fighting resumed Thursday between the army and the M23 area in Kibumba, bordering Rwanda, forcing thousands of civilians to flee. In an attempt to halt the advance of the rebellion which approximates Goma, the regional capital, the UN peacekeepers came into action on Saturday by supporting the Congolese army with combat helicopters.

The military spokesman said that the M23 movement has never attacked camps in Kitale and MONUSCO Kiwandja under rebel control, but implied that this could change because they can not tolerate the use Monusco helicopters, tanks fighting against the population.

We would like Monusco shows its neutrality in the Congolese affairs, between the Congolese. Is that MONUSCO came here to fight or to protect the Congolese Congolese?, Asked the spokesman M23.

The M23 is mostly made up of former rebels who, having been built in 2009 in the army mutinied last April and since the regular army fighting in the Kivu region. Two neighboring countries, Rwanda and Uganda, are accused by the UN of supporting the rebels, which they deny.

Saturday, the Security Council asked the UN to stop the advance of the rebels towards Goma, the capital of the province of North Kivu and all external support and supply all equipment M23 cease immediately.

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