
Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Afghanistan: FOB Nijrab transfer the 201st Corps of the Afghan National Army

The November 20, 2012 at 10am, took place the ceremony formalizing the transfer of Forward Operating Base (FOB) in Nijrab 201st Corps of the Afghan National Army. The departure of the French troops Nijrab marks the end of French operations in Kapisa and the withdrawal of troops directly involved in combat operations in Afghanistan.

Until this date, 500 soldiers were still present on the Nijrab FOB: Battle of the last soldiers Steel Group, advisors (advisory team) Kandak 33 and elements of Task Force (TF) La Fayette.

After the handover ceremony between General Hautecloque, commander of TF La Fayette, and General Waziri, commanding the 201st Corps of the Afghan National Army, French soldiers joined the present Warehouse camp in Kabul before returning to France by the end of the year. It is mainly soldiers 16èmebataillon hunters Bitche (16th BC), 13th Engineer Regiment (13èmeRG) Valdahon and 19th Engineer Regiment (19th RG) of Besançon.

Disengagement Nijrab FOB went perfectly. All material on this FOB has been several logistical convoys to Kabul. It will be repatriated to France in the coming months.

The last French elements still present Naghlu and Mahmud E Raqi be disengaged in the coming days.These are AT Kandak of 34 and 35 and a liaison detachment.

French soldiers operating in Kapisa since summer 2008, when arms task force (CATF) has been deployed to enable the implementation of the 3rd Brigade 201èmecorps of the Afghan National Army (ANA) and OMLT (Operationnal Mentor and Liaison Team) responsible for supporting his rise to power.

The first GTIA was deployed on the basis of Tagab and Nijrab, succeeding an American contingent. During the winter of 2008 and spring of 2009, large-scale operations have allowed the construction of three outposts in the valley Alasay and installation positions struggle and control along the axis Vermont, enabling forces Afghan security (ANSF) to regain a foothold in the sanctuary of the insurgents.

November 1, 2009 the brigade was established French Task Force La Fayette, under the command of Regional Command East (RC-E). French units deployed in Surobi and Kapisa were then grouped together under a single command. French OMLT deployed in the provinces of Wardak and Logar were redeployed Surobi and Kapisa, allowing the mentoring of the entire 3rd Brigade Afghanistan.

In spring 2010, the French military have concentrated their efforts with the Afghan National Army (ANA), in southern Kapisa, to repel the insurgent forces and strengthen the bases and posts of the ANA. Operations Synapse (link to short) and Hope 4 Reaction (link to short) have strengthened control along the axis Vermont. End of 2010, additional OMLT is implemented by France for mentor additional units of the 3rd Brigade, which continues to rise.

Late 2010 and early 2011, the French military campaign led operations, in particular with the junction between the elements of the Kapisa North and South, which is February 15, 2011 during Operation Storm Rumbling (link to short). Progress by the Afghan soldiers allowed French soldiers adapt their accompaniment mode. Thus, in mid 2011, the Afghan brigade and the brigade French establish a partnership between the units to operate together.

Now, the French military support in place ANA soldiers operating in the frontline.

The withdrawal of the French began in autumn 2011, with the transfer of the first right-to ANSF. Today, about 6,000 men of Afghan forces deployed in Kapisa and Surobi, about 4,000 of which are in Kapisa 2,200 military and 1,800 police officers (national and local). Today, Afghan forces are capable of planning and conducting security operations independently.

All these advances have resulted in the inclusion of Kapisa province in the transition process and ceremony July 4, 2012.

Speaking after the withdrawal of the FOB Tagab, September 30 (link to short), the official transfer of the Nijrab FOB marks the departure of the last elements of BG Steel and TF La Fayette. This ceremony marks the end of direct support to ANSF operations and therefore greater autonomy of the latter in the province.

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