
Tuesday 2 October 2012

Tajikistan: airdrop training at high altitude, low opening

The September 17, 2012 was on a training Airdrop great height - lower aperture (LMTGH-OB) for crews operating transport group (GTO) in favor of Dushanbe Tajik army.

It is in the context of the Franco-Tajik and operational maintenance that took place this training type drop-LMTGH OB. The process mastered by very few countries, has three major advantages. It can supply the ground troops by air by subtracting the ground-air threat, while having a high level of accuracy and without disclosing the friendly positions.

The day before the flight, aircraft mechanics and soldiers of the 1st Regiment train paratroopers had equipped one of two C160 Transall on the site Dushanbe with the kit "O2" allowing, through oxygen masks available to the crew, perform airdrops very tall, up to flight level (Flight Level) 240 (24,000 feet or 8,000 m). The GTO has established four missions, each broken down into two phases: one mounted at 240 to implement procedures LMTGH-OB followed by a drop shadow and a descent at low altitude to achieve the release real. A ton of food has been delivered in favor of the Tajik army Fakhabad area south of Dushanbe. 

Franco-Tajik is highly developed in the field of training, support for the teaching of French and operational training (training in mountain warfare and parachute). Since 2001, a French Air Detachment is stationed at Dushanbe airport operations and provides transit to Afghanistan.

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