
Friday 26 October 2012

Modernization of Russian forces through Europe

Driven by significant growth in recent years, Russia has embarked on a major modernization of its forces.Military equipment are mostly obsolete and problem, the Russian industry technologically stalled in many areas. Aware of these shortcomings, Moscow no longer hesitate to buy equipment off the shelf. This has already resulted in the purchase of French ships BPC (Building Projection and Command DCNS) for marine and land in the area through the acquisition of LMV light armored tactical 4X4 Italian. Russian defense therefore no longer afraid to buy abroad and chosen the best in Europe! This policy has the same tendency to grow. Russians buy a little of everything to see, test, emulate.

This is currently the case for troop transport vehicles and armored combat. Because Russian forces should replace their aging fleets including BTR. Result, several armored undergo testing at the moment, namely the Italian armored wheeled-gun Centauro VBC 8X8 Freccia and also with the German Boxer. French skills are also interested and Moscow has not hidden his interest in the VBCI. The stand has been Nexter visits high-level delegations during the last Eurosatory. The Russian Chief of Staff General Makarov is personally rendered, and a study has even been launched to determine whether a Russian turret could take place on the French vehicle.

Another area of ​​interest to the Russians at the moment: the modernization of systems infantryman. A delegation has recently moved to Italy to be presented by the manufacturer Selex Sistemi Integrati the "Soldato Futuro". But it would be the French Felin system that would interest the utmost Moscow. Or at least some bricks. And discussions are very well taken between Russian and Sagem (Safran group).

Still, it should not be fooled, these acquisitions were also designed to rectify the powers of the Russian defense industry. For European industry, the opening of the Russian market therefore requires technology transfer, see the formation of joint ventures with local manufacturers. Memoranda of Understanding have been signed in this regard. As revealed in the letter TTU specialized July 4, several agreements were concluded with the French Sagem Défense Sécurité. In tanks with NKP Ouralvagonzavod, the manufacturer of Russian tanks for opto-electronic systems and inertial navigation. Or with industrial TSNII Tochmash about Felin system.

The Russian Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov has to go to Paris next week and a meeting between the Russian and French prime ministers is scheduled for late November. This new defense cooperation should, of course, be on the agenda.

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