
Saturday 1 September 2012

Non-Aligned Movement Summit Resolution Supports Iran

Participants of the 16th Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) summit in Tehran have unanimously adopted the summit’s final resolution, which supported Iran, the Press TV state-owned English-language news channel reported.
Iranian leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad read out the text, which included over seven-hundred clauses, at the summit’s final meeting on Friday evening.
The final communiqué “expressed support for Iran’s nuclear energy program, rejected the United States’ unilateral sanctions against the Islamic Republic, and called for greater efforts to support the Palestinian cause,” the channel reported on its website.

Founded in 1961, NAM unites 120 member states not formally aligned with or against any major power bloc.
The West accuses Iran, which is under a few sets of UN Security sanctions, of pursuing a secret nuclear weapons program, while Tehran says it needs nuclear power solely for electricity generation.

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