
Friday, 14 September 2012

France chooses Germany for the joint implementation of a MALE UAV

The French Ministry of Defense waking at the same time not to interfere with the agreements concluded with Great Britain in July for the development of a UCAV common horizon 2030-2040.

On 22 June, the French defense minister Jean-Yves Le Drian met his German counterpart Thomas de Maizière. Nothing filtered at the end of this strategic meeting, but we now know the outcome of this interview.

In a statement, the Ministry of Defence announced the strengthening of cooperation between France and Germany in various sectors of the arms and the signing of a September 12 statement of intent.

"The two nations have agreed on a common set of key operational needs for a possible European solution. Thanks to this agreement, France and Germany are able to promote cooperation for the realization of Drone MALE (medium altitude, long endurance). Both nations also evaluate the possibility of operational cooperation as an intermediate step, "the statement said.

The drone said "interim" (2016-2025) will be Franco-German. To do this, the program will require a harmonization of structures and processes between the two countries to allow the realization of this project. A statement was signéeentre ministers and chiefs of staff of the European neighbors.

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