
Thursday 30 August 2012

Army anger as troops strip naked in support of Prince Harry

Scores of soldiers and their wives are risking Army anger by stripping off and saluting to show support for Prince Harry. 


Scores of soldiers and their wives are risking Army anger by stripping off and saluting to show support for Prince Harry, and posting the pictures on Facebook.
As our troops get naked to copy Army comrade Prince Harry's nude Vegas party pose, their wives and girlfriends are getting in on the act too.
They are borrowing their boys' uniforms and performing 'naked salutes' either totally nude or in varying states of undress.
They are among over 13,000 who have joined a military Facebook group called 'Support Prince Harry With A Naked Salute'.
Several declared themselves terrified about baring themselves in public - but determined to send their message of support for Harry.
The Prince is expected to be reprimanded when he returns to the Army Air Cops in a few weeks time. 
But although none of the troops are likely to be disciplined for the stunt, top brass are not amused.
A source told the Daily Mail: "Everyone sees the funny side but there are people at senior levels in the Army who do not consider this to be appropriate.

"They will be thinking 'Does this really shows us in the professional light we want to be seen in?'."
The pictures include army wife Lynne Hayward who waved a Union Jack wearing only black knickers and high heels and her husband's cap.
She revealed: "It took a lot for me to do it as I've had four kids and am a bit worried about my body.
"But I've done it to show my support to Prince Harry."
Similarly, Terrie Ann-Summers Wright sported only an Army beret and open camouflage jacket with her white knickers.
She posted: "Army wife and proud. I salute you Prince Harry."
Beverley Budd performed her topless salute kneeling next to a pool table in a cheeky reference to Prince Harry's notorious game of 'strip billiards' in Las Vegas.
And a group of 16 Army wives paraded along a road in a long line in their underwear.
Lisa Bushell spoke for many with her comment about Harry next to her naked salute: "If you can fight in Afghanistan you can get naked wherever you choose in my book. We salute you Sir!!!!"
Our Boys in Afghanistan, meanwhile, have been posing nude with only strategically-placed guns protecting their modesty.
                                   Military personnel salute Prince Harry
One of them, Nathan Harris, who is serving near Helmand, wrote: "Well done Harry! One of the lads."
A group of 21 lads from D Squadron The King's Royal Hussars posed naked in front of two tanks in Afghanistan.
Ex-hussar Jordan Wylie, who founded the Facebook group, said: "It was outrageous Harry was criticised for his antics in Las Vegas because he is just one of the lads.
"He might be a Royal but he is also a hardworking Apache helicopter pilot and he wants to have some fun."
Jordan, 29, of Blackpool, Lancashire, said of the response from Harry's comrades and their wives and girlfriends: "It honours Harry because he's one of the lads.
"I'm sure Harry will be quietly smiling about it."


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