
Friday, 20 July 2012

Varuna 2012 - naval maneuvers with India

The first Indo-French naval maneuvers called Varuna was held in 1998. The 2012 edition takes place for its share of 19 to 22 July in Mediterranean waters.

Admiral Joshi, commander of the western region, is now an official visit as part of these maneuvers.India has deployed this year in the Mediterranean the destroyer missile launches Mumbai, frigateTrishul and  Gomati and tanker Aditya . French side, the frigates Surcouf and Montcalm , the corvetteCommandant Birot and the command ship and refueling (BCR) Var participate in the exercise.

Indian and French navies have close relations which manifest themselves in many exchanges.Regular workouts carrier battle, of increasing complexity, and allow to work on the interoperability of both navies. These bilateral activities of operational readiness are called "Varuna", one of the most important gods of the pantheon of the Vedic and Hinduism. Both nations are trying to drive this type of training each year, alternating between France and India. The recent naval maneuvers Varuna was held in January 2011 in India in the presence of the French carrier battle group, centered around the aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle and deployed in Agapanthus.

The relationship between the two navies is both technical and operational. Indeed, the growing Indian demand transfer of know-how involves continuously improve the quality and reciprocity.
France is indeed a nation bordering the Indian Ocean and regularly cooperates with India in this area of operations, particularly in the field of fight against piracy in the Gulf of Aden and off the Horn of Africa.Admiral Bernard Rogel, Chief of Naval Staff , will pay an official visit to India in December 2012. 

To mark the Year of India in St. Tropez and in the context of Franco-Indian naval maneuvers Varuna, the destroyer missile launches Mumbai and the frigate Surcouf berthed in Saint-Tropez from 20 to 21 July.

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