
Saturday 2 February 2013

U.S. Army SMDC Andrews Space Funds To Build Kestrel Eye 2 Earth Imaging Nanosat

Andrews Space (Andrews) HAS Announced That They Have beens Funded by the U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command to design and Deliver a Kestrel Eye Block 2 Earth imaging spacecraft as share of the Army's Kestrel Eye program.

Under the current effort, known as Kestrel Eye Block 2, Andrews economic development of will, build and Deliver Earth imaging nanosatellite year.

The spacecraft embodies a paradigm shift to lower-cost, higher persistence overhead reconnaissance capabilities. While not Meant to replace traditional imaging assets, Kestrel Eye seeks to augment Block 2 the current approach to remote sensing by Demonstrating the implementation of low-cost, commercial technologies to enable a new tier of recognition capability.

The overall Army force is a Joint Capability Technology Demonstration (JCTD) That Requires the demonstration program be completed in 24 months, or 2014.

Incremental subsystem hardware demonstrations will Occur Regularly falling on development to build confidence in the system and subsystem performance for Assessment against threshold and objective goals.

"We are deeply Honored que la U.S. Army SMDC HAS Andrews Space selected for this major program," Said Jason Andrews, President and CEO of Andrews Space.

"We look forward to Demonstrating That Low-cost, persistent imagery is achievable and repeatable business Utilizing technology, this platform can and That Provide a valuable new tier of imaging capability to traditional reconnaissance missions."

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