
Sunday 13 January 2013

Estonia: France subscribes Center NATO cyber defense

France adhere to the Centre of Excellence Cyber ​​NATO (CCDCOE) deployed in Estonia in 2013, announced Friday in Tallinn against the Admiral Arnaud Coustillère in charge of cyber issues within the state Staff of the French Army.

The cons-Admiral Coustillère, visiting Estonia, and the director of cyber defense center in Tallinn NATO, Colonel Artur Suzik, focused Friday on the French contribution to the operation of the center, said the press service of the Estonian Ministry of Defence.

Last October, the Permanent Representation of France to NATO announced that Paris, "through the General Staff of the armed forces, decided to join the CCDCOE as a sponsor and to detach staff of the Ministry of Defence after the summer of 2013. "

The Centre of Excellence for Cyber ​​NATO status international military organization since the end of October 2008. France is the twelfth country to join the Centre which includes Germany, Spain, Estonia, the United States, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Poland and Slovakia. Its mission is to improve
cyber defense capabilities of its members, sharing legal information and strategic, but also cooperating on the basis of research, training and joint exercises.

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