
Friday 7 December 2012

Infrared detectors: Sagem and Thales strengthens Sofradir

Both manufacturers sell their infrared technologies developed in-house to their joint subsidiary.

French manufacturer of infrared sensors Sofradir comes to the acquisition of developments and manufacture of infrared detectors developed internally by Sagem and Thales - remember that Sofradir is a joint subsidiary of Sagem and Thales. The agreement provides for the transfer of technology Sofradir InSb Sagem and technologies QWIP (Quantum Well Infrared Photodetector) and InGaAs of III-V Lab, a GIE whose members include Alcatel Lucent, Thales and CEA. Already specialized in cooled HgCdTe infrared sensors and, through its subsidiary Ulis in uncooled imagers, and all mastery Sofradir infrared technologies industry.

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