
Saturday 1 December 2012

Casspir and Mamba Somalia Osprea renovated by South Africa and soon built in Kenya

Mamba Mk 5 Osprea 400x300

Need to equip armored forces peacekeeping or intervention in Africa? Suppliers do not miss. Advice to those considering retooling the Malian forces ...

Among these providers, Osprea Logistics , a British company located in South Africa (Pretoria). Osprea Logistics renovating old equipment of the SADF (South African army before 1994), especially Casspir(photos below) and Ratel,  manufactures and APC ( armored personnel carrier ) and MRAP on existing frame.
apc.jpgOsprea was created in 2005 and the company has become a leading provider of DKP ( department of peace keeping ) UN (Haiti and Liberia) and AU (Somalia). For example, already has 200 AMISOM Mamba Somalia.

Bridgehead. Osprea, which also provides hardware maintenance it provides, has opened a production and maintenance in Kenya, Mombasa (click here to read an article in the Star ). It is an investment of nearly $ 42 million). She hopes to build a hundred Mamba MK5 year, a CPA can be armed with a gun of 20 m or 82 mm mortar.

 For more information, go to the website Osprea Kenya.
osprea kenya.jpg

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